Free Method of U NO what.

发布于 2016-06-07  3.09k 次阅读

This process is long, but you'll learn a lot from it.

You need the following thing:
2.firefox+ssh tunnel
simply saying, where there is ssh, there is a way to securely access the internet.So, here are the exact ways to follow:.

 1.Open a new Openshift account
Open Click on "sign up" on the right.
Fill in your e-mail password and username.
Go to check your e-mail to active your account.


Click on "Add Application",see:

Choose "PHP 5.3"
pull down, click on "Create Application"
wait patiently till it jumps and do not refresh.
Click on "Settings", then "add a new key",see:

download PuttyGen( open,click  "Generate" and move your mouse on the software screen , PuttyGen will generate a key,see:

Copy the key starting with "ssh-rss"
Paste into open shift , key name is not important. see:

back to PuttyGen, click "Save Private key", name it xxx.ppk(make sure it ends with .ppk)
------bellow is "process a"------
back to Openshift ,Click "Applications" on the above , and then click on the php project you just created.
Click on “Want to log in to your application?” on the right-down then a text field with show up, copy all content inside the field

downlocal "Putty"( then  open it.
Paste the content you copied into “Host Name”then delete the three letter at the very front "ssh", the HostName looks like bellow:

in putty, choose "SSH"  -> "Auth", Click on "Browse..." , choose the ppk file you just saved:

in putty, choose "Tunnels" on the left nav , "source port" enters 7070 , leave "Destination" empty , and choose "Dynamic" below ,then click "Add" , click "Open":

What ever poped up, choose "add" or "yes". Then a black window will show up. The tunnel is set up.

----- Ends "Process a"----

install Firefox.

Download "autoproxy" here

After downloading, open with firefox. restart firefox after finishing installing. then a small earth will appear on the top-right of firefox.. Click on the dropdown arrow ,select " 默认代理:" or "Default Proxy" and choose "SSH-D":then click on the drop down arrow again, select "全局模式" or "Global Mode".

OK, if you can't open any website, please close firefox and the black window, redo "Process a" to open a new black window, and then open firefox .

Note1: the black windows will disappear every about 15 minutes. you can press enter in 15 minutes to avoid it.

Note2: if you're not sure about the security of the software, please download it from its official site, they will also work,too.